本文共 1557 字,大约阅读时间需要 5 分钟。
function [oe,epoch,yr,M,E,satname] = TLE2oe(fname);
% fname is a filename string for a file containing
% a two-line element set (TLE)
% oe is a 1/6 matrix containing the orbital elements
% [a e i Om om nu]
% yr is the two-digit year
% M is the mean anomaly at epoch
% E is the eccentric anomaly at epoch
% satname is the satellite name
% Calls Newton iteration function file EofMe.m
[oe,epoch,yr,M,E,satname] = TLE2oe(file1.txt);
% Open the file
up and scan in the elements
fid =
fopen(fname, 'r');
A = fscanf(fid,'%13c%*s',1);
B =
C = fscanf(fid,'%d%6d%f%f%f%f%f%f',[1,8]);
% The value of
mu is for the earth
mu = 3.986004415e5;
% Calculate
2-digit year (Oh no!, look out for Y2K bug!)
yr =
% Calculate
epoch in julian days
epoch = B(1,5);
%ndot = B(1,6);
% n2dot = B(1,7);
% Assign
variables to the orbital elements
i =
C(1,3)*pi/180; % inclination
Om =
C(1,4)*pi/180; % Right Ascension of the Ascending Node
e =
C(1,5)/1e7; % Eccentricity
om =
C(1,6)*pi/180; % Argument of periapsis
M =
C(1,7)*pi/180; % Mean anomaly
n = C(1,8)*2*pi/(24*3600); % Mean
% Calculate the
semi-major axis
a = (mu/n^2)^(1/3);
% Calculate the
eccentric anomaly using mean anomaly
E = EofMe(M,e,1e-10);
% Calculate
true anomaly from eccentric anomaly
cosnu = (e-cos(E)) / (e*cos(E)-1);
sinnu = ((a*sqrt(1-e*e)) / (a*(1-e*cos(E))))*sin(E);
nu = atan2(sinnu,cosnu);
if (nu<0), nu=nu+2*pi; end
% Return the
orbital elements in a 1x6 matrix
oe = [a e i Om om nu];